Office Furniture Benching Workstations
4 -Pod Workstation This p owered 4 - po d workstation includes White ca b inets and legs , a Sarum Twill laminate work surfaces and frosted glass p rivac y screening . Each desk section is 24” x 4 8 ”, includes a locking two drawer m ob ile p edestal with bl ack cushion , and ( 4 ) 1 2 0V 2 0 am p outlets .
Dimensions for Desk Assembly 49” x 97 ”
6-Pod Workstation This p owered 6- po d workstation includes White ca b inets and legs , a Sarum Twill laminate work surfaces and frosted glass p rivac y screening . Each desk section is 24” x 4 8 ”, includes a locking two drawer m ob ile p edestal with bl ack cushion , and ( 4 ) 1 2 0V 2 0 am p outlets .
Dimensions for Desk Assembly 49” x 1 22”
3 -Pod Workstation This p owered 3 - po d workstation includes White ca b inets and legs , a Sarum Twill laminate work surfaces and frosted glass p rivac y screening . Each desk section is s pl a y ed at 1 20 degrees , is 24” dee p and is 4 8 ” wide at the two rear sections . Each desk includes a locking two drawer m ob ile p edestal with bl ack cushion , and ( 4 ) 1 2 0V 2 0 am p outlets .
Dimensions for each Workstation 10 9” x 109 ”, 49” wide on each end
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