Instock Labs Office Furniture Catalog An extensive inventory of top-quality office furniture and accessories.
Office Furniture Catalog An extensive inventory of in stock top-quality office furniture and accessories. • (630) 541-3361 •
Office Furniture Benching Workstations
Our office benching workstation system offers flexibility & adaptability while supporting a wide range of work styles and interactive work areas. Choose from multiple layout options. This system offers three leg and cabinet color options, four laminate work surface color options and five screening options. This system offers a modern and inviting collaborative work environment.
Work Surface Color Options
Leg and Cabinet Color Options
Walnut Block Laminate
Burnt Strand Laminate
Sarum Twill Laminate
Brite White Laminate
Brushed Silver
1/4” Acrylic Screens (Frosted ones are translucent)
1/4” Frosted Glass
Frosted Glass
Frosted Green
Frosted Red Frosted Lime
Optional Components
• 1.2” thick laminate work surfaces include 3mm color coordinating edge banding • 2 1/4” Grommets on all worksurfaces • Power/data wire management troughs • Frosted tempered glass privacy screens that are dry erasable and are ¼” thick and a nomi nal 18” tall • All of these system products are in stock
• Under work surface modesty screens • Colored privacy screening • Tackable fabric screens • Power distribution systems • Colors for cushions on mobile pedestals • Seating
Office Furniture Benching Workstations
4 -Pod Workstation This p owered 4 - po d workstation includes White ca b inets and legs , a Sarum Twill laminate work surfaces and frosted glass p rivac y screening . Each desk section is 24” x 4 8 ”, includes a locking two drawer m ob ile p edestal with bl ack cushion , and ( 4 ) 1 2 0V 2 0 am p outlets .
Dimensions for Desk Assembly 49” x 97 ”
6-Pod Workstation This p owered 6- po d workstation includes White ca b inets and legs , a Sarum Twill laminate work surfaces and frosted glass p rivac y screening . Each desk section is 24” x 4 8 ”, includes a locking two drawer m ob ile p edestal with bl ack cushion , and ( 4 ) 1 2 0V 2 0 am p outlets .
Dimensions for Desk Assembly 49” x 1 22”
3 -Pod Workstation This p owered 3 - po d workstation includes White ca b inets and legs , a Sarum Twill laminate work surfaces and frosted glass p rivac y screening . Each desk section is s pl a y ed at 1 20 degrees , is 24” dee p and is 4 8 ” wide at the two rear sections . Each desk includes a locking two drawer m ob ile p edestal with bl ack cushion , and ( 4 ) 1 2 0V 2 0 am p outlets .
Dimensions for each Workstation 10 9” x 109 ”, 49” wide on each end
Office Furniture Benching Workstations
6-Pod Workstation This p owered 6- p od workstation includes White ca b inets and legs , a Sarum Twill laminate work surfaces and frosted glass p rivac y screening . Each desk section is s pl a y ed at 1 20 degrees , is 24” dee p and is 4 8 ” wide at the two rear sections . Each desk includes a locking two drawer m ob ile p edestal with bl ack cushion , and ( 4 ) 1 2 0V 2 0 am p outlets
Dimensions for each Workstation 18 9” x 109 ”, 4 9 ” wide on each end
Heav y Dut y Monitor Arm This Heav y Dut y Monitor Arm has a 4” - 2 1 ” horizontal travel range . Accommodates all VESA-c omp liant monitors weighting u p to 2 5 l b s . Availa bl e in b oth clam p and grommet mounts . Swivel asse mb l y allows fl e x i b ilit y to adjust the monitor for po rtrait or landsca p e monitors .
Single Arm
Do ub le Arm
Description Grommet mount , Single arm C lam p mount , Single arm Grommet mount , Dou b le arm C lam p mount , Dou bl e arm
Delu x e Monitor Arm This Delu x e Monitor Arm effortlessl y adjusts to the angle and focal de p th of y our fl at screen monitor for either seated or standing a pp lications . Grommet and clam p mount are included .
Single Arm
Do ub le Arm
Description Grommet / clam p mount , Single arm Grommet / clam p mount , Dou b le arm
Office Furniture Panel Systems Our panel style office furniture system offers fabric and glass panels in varying heights and include a 6” wire raceway to meet electrical and data needs. Choose from multiple work surfaces, components and accessories. This system offers the flexibility to design cluster working environ ments to private offices. Choose from two panel fabric color options and six work surface color options. Panel office systems offer the ideal combination of value and performance.
Panel Sp ace Co lor O pt ions
Dark Tone Paint and Trim
Whi teburs t Fa br ic
Midnight Sto ne Fabr ic
Worksurface Color Options
Burnt Strand Laminate
Sarum Twill Laminate
Brite White Laminate
Light Gra y Laminate
Brushed Nickel Laminate
Walnut Block Laminate
Features • Panel Heights of 39”, 53” and 67”
Optional Components • Flipper door upper cabinets • Upper shelving with end panels • Task lighting • Center drawers and lateral files • Motor driven desk height adjustment • Electrical service poles/feeds • Single and dual monitor mounting arms • Seating
• Panels can be provided with or without tem pered glass upper sections • Workstation wiring includes (4) 120 volt 20 amp outlets for straight office desks and for “L” shaped office desks • Ceiling or end of panel access for system power supply • All of these system products are in stock
Office Furniture Panel Systems
3 -Pod Workstation
This 3- Pod p owered workstation includes p anels with White b urst Fa b ric , Dark Tone p ainted trim and p artial glazing . Each individual po d is 7 2” x 7 2”. The laminate work surfaces include a corner asse mb l y and are furnished in Light Gra y. Each po d includes ( 4 ) 1 2 0 volt , 2 0 am p outlets , and a three drawer locking p edestal in Dark Tone .
Dimensions for Desk Assembly (W x L x H) 6’ 6 ” x 19’ 2” x 5 3”
3 -Pod Workstation
This 3- Pod p owered workstation includes p anels with White b urst Fa b ric and Dark Tone p ainted trim . Each individual po d is 24” x 4 8 ”. The laminate work surface is furnished in Light Gra y. Each po d includes ( 4 ) 1 2 0 volt , 2 0 am p outlets a three drawer locking p edestal & locking u pp er flipp er door ca b inet in Dark Tone .
Dimensions for Desk Assembly (W x L x H) 2 ’ 4” x 1 3 ’ 2” x 67 ”
4 -Pod Workstation
This 4 -Pod p owered workstation includes p anels with White b urst Fa b ric and Dark Tone p ainted trim . Each individual po d is 24” x 4 8 ”. The laminate work surface is furnished in Light Gra y. Each po d includes ( 4 ) 1 2 0 volt , 2 0 am p outlets a three drawer locking p edestal in Dark Tone .
Dimensions for Desk Assembly (W x L x H) 4 ’ 5 ” x 8’ 9” x 5 3”
Office Furniture Panel Systems Accessories
4 -Pod Workstation This 4 -Pod p owered workstation includes p anels with White b urst Fa b ric , Dark Tone p ainted trim and full glazing . Each individual po d is 7 2” x 7 2”. The laminate work surfaces include a corner asse mb l y and are furnished in Light Gra y. Each po d includes ( 4 ) 1 2 0 volt , 2 0 am p outlets a three drawer locking p edestal in Dark Tone .
Dimensions for Desk Assembly (W x L x H) 1 2’ 9” x 1 2 ’ 9” x 5 3”
Upp er Fli pp er Door C a b inet Upp er Fli pp er Door C a b inets with lock in Dark Tone , are used for added storage s p ace on 67 ” tall s y stems without glass p anels .
Dimensions (W x D x H) 30” x 1 3” x 15 ” 3 6 ” x 1 3” x 15 ” 4 8 ” x 1 3” x 15 ” 6 0” x 1 3” x 15 ”
Task Lighting Task lighting can b e added to the b ottoms of fl i pp er door ca b inets or shelving in this s y stem . The lights have magnets for attachment , include a p ower cord and a motion sensor with automatic shut off . Description 20” wide for use with 24” - 36” overhead shelving or ca b inets 3 8 ” wide for use with 4 8 ” -6 0” overhead shelving or ca b inets
Office Furniture Adjustable Height Desking
Medical research has shown that standing for part of your day is better for your health. Our electric adjust able height desking workstations provide flexibility and great functionality. Combine sitting and standing into your daily lab office routine and control it with an easy touch of your finger tip
Work Surface Color Options
Frame Color Options
Walnut Block Laminate
Burnt Strand Laminate
Sarum Twill Laminate
Brite White Laminate
Brushed Silver
Features • Sturdy steel framing
Optional Components
• Privacy Screening • Wheels to create a mobile workstation • Dual sided adjustable height desking • Single and dual monitor mounting arms • Seating
• 2 or 3 electric lift motors • 2 or 3 stage lift columns • Memory set point control panel with LED display • Under counter wire management tray • All of these system products are in stock
Office Furniture Adjustable Height Desking
Electric Height Adjusta b le Desk - 2 Stage This electric height adjusta b le rectangular desk includes a White lift frame and a Walnut Block laminate work surface . It’s 2 motor , 2 stage lift s y stem has a height range of 2 7 ” - 4 5 ” and includes a multi pl e set po int memor y controller with LED dis pl a y. These are availa bl e in 24” and 3 0 ” dee p. Includes an 8 0” p ower cord .
Desk top dimensions 4 8 ” x 30” Desk 6 0” x 24” Desk 7 2” x 30” Desk
Electric Height Adjusta b le Desk - 3 Stage This electric height adjusta b le rectangular desk includes a White lift frame and a Walnut Block laminate work surface . It’s 2 motor , 3 stage lift s y stem has a height range of 2 5 ” - 50 ” and includes a multi pl e set po int memor y controller with LED dis pl a y. These are availa bl e in 24” and 3 0 ” dee p. Includes an 8 0” p ower cord .
Desk top dimensions 4 8 ” x 30” Desk 6 0” x 24” Desk 7 2” x 30” Desk
Electric Height Adjusta b le Desk - L-Sha p ed This electric height adjusta bl e desk asse mb l y with a 90 degree b ase includes a White lift frame and a Walnut Block laminate work surface . It’ s 3 motor , 2 stage lift s y stem has a height range of 2 7 ” - 4 5 ” and includes a multi p le set p oint memor y controller with LED dis pl a y. Includes an 80 ” p ower cord .
Desk top dimensions 6 0” x 30” Desk and 42” x 24” Return 7 2” x 24” Desk and 4 8 ” x 30” Return 7 2” x 30” Desk and 4 8 ” x 24” Return
Contact with any color sample requests, questions, comments, or assistance in laying our your office space. (630) 541-3361
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