Pure Lab Water for Research & Analysis Applications
Water for most laboratory and clinical applications is usually purified from drinking water. However, the unique ability of water to dissolve (to some extent) virtually every chemical compound and support practically every form of life means that drinking water supplies contain many substances in solution or suspension. Additional impurities are derived during the purification process. Further- more, unlike other raw materials, drinking water may vary significantly in purity both from one geographical region to another and from season to season.
Pure water is the most common substance that underpins a vast number of diverse scientific and medical applications - its impor- tance should never be undervalued.
Our lab team is ready to assist you in the selection of a water purification system that will suit the needs of your facility and application both now, and into the future.
There are many water quality standards published throughout the world; however only a few are relevant to specific research applications. This has resulted in the majority of water purification com- panies, including ELGA, adopting broad generic classifications defined by measurable physical and chemical limits. Resistivity (MΩ-cm) TOC (PPB) Bacterial Endotoxins (EU/ml) Type I + 18.2 <5 <1 <0.03 Type I >18 <10 <1 <0.03 Type II + >10 <50 <10 NA Type II >1 <50 <100 NA Type III >0.05 <200 <1000 NA About Elga As an integral part of Veolia, the world's leading water services company, ELGA provides a reliable source of water that economically meets the required compliance of all our customers' scientific and medical applications. With more than 75 years' experience dedicated solely to pioneering water puri- fication systems, we are continuing to apply cutting edge research with innovative and ergonomic de- sign. ELGA delivers robust and easy-to-install systems to meet our customers' ever changing needs.
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