Steel Tall Cabinets
Configurable steel casework plaƞorm masterfully designed to exceed the demands of modern science.
Shelf clip mo ƵŶƟŶŐ ƐůŽ ts
Zinc plated adjustable shelf clip
20 ŐĂƵŐĞ ƌĞŝŶĨŽƌĐŝŶŐ channel, 2 each door
channel reinforcement shelves ŽǀĞƌ ϯ 6 ŝŶ͘ ůŽŶŐ ĨĞĂƚƵƌĞ 20 ŐĂƵŐĞ ĂĚũƵƐƚĂďůĞ Ɛ teel shelf;
Nylon roller catch
18 ŐĂƵŐĞ ƐƚĞĞů Đ abinet side
ŚŝŶŐĞ͕ ϯ ĞĂĐŚ ĚŽŽƌ 5 knuckle stainless steel
Rubber door bumpers, 4 each door
Access to adjustab ůĞ ŇŽŽƌ ůĞ veler
ŐƵƐ set, 4 each cabinet 11 ŐĂƵŐĞ ƐƚĞĞů Đ orner
11 ŐĂƵŐĞ ƐƚĞĞů ůĞ veler ŐƵƐ set, 4 each cabinet 2 1/ ϮΗ ŐĂůǀ a ŶŝnjĞĚ ůĞǀĞůŝŶŐ bolt with hex head for adjustment
Standard Door Features • 20 Gauge interior and 16 gauge exterior panels • Interior filled with sound deadening material
• 14 gauge steel reinforcement added at hinge locaƟons • 20 gauge horizontal reinforcement channel, one each door • 3/4” thick veneer clad parƟcleboard core with 3mm thick veneer edge banding in red oak, white maple, bamboo or other exoƟc veneers • Door equipped with nylon roller catch • Double doors with locks feature elbow catch on leŌ door • Stainless steel 2 3/4”, 5 knuckle insƟtuƟonal hinges (2 per base unit and wall case door, 3 per upper and tall case door)
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