Fisherbrand Modular Cleanrooms
Cleanrooms Modular Cleanrooms Defining Gowning Room and Anteroom The terms anteroom and gowning room are often used interchangeably.
Each term represents a space outside of a cleanroom that is designated for the gowning of personnel prior to entering the cleanroom. By utilizing a gowning room, you can better ensure the cleanliness of your cleanroom by decreasing the chance of foreign contaminants being introduced. Gowning rooms come in all shapes and sizes. It’s important to provide staff with enough room to gown. These spaces will often incorporate a clean side/dirty side arrangement most times delineated by a line of demarcation or a gowning bench whereby staff members enter the gowning room on the dirty side, change into their cleanroom garments, and then cross into the clean side before entering the cleanroom. The best size for a gowning room will depend on the number of employees per shift, the type of gowning intended for the specific cleanroom, and the need for things like handwashing sinks or an air shower. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but our Fisherbrand Cleanroom Design experts can help you determine the proper arrangement and upfit for your gowning room.
Contact your Fisher Scientific sales representative for assistance designing the cleanroom environment to suit your application.
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