
Casework ICI Wood Casework

Corner Fillers

Front Fillers Panels

Rear and Center Fillers Panels

• For use between back-to-back base cabinets or to close space at the rear of the cabinet Sitting Height 45MM69 18” W (45.7 cm) ADA Height 45MM70 18” W (45.7 cm) Standing Height 45MM71 18” W (45.7 cm)

• For use between adjacent base cabinets or between a cabinet and the wall Sitting Height 45MM66 18” W (45.7 cm) ADA Height 45MM67 18” W (45.7 cm) Standing Height 45MM68 18” W (45.7 cm)

Sitting Height

45MM60 3” W (7.6 cm) 45MM61 12” W (30.5 cm) ADA Height 45MM62 3” W (7.6 cm) 45MM63 12” W (30.5 cm) Standing Height 45MM64 3” W (7.6 cm) 45MM65 12” W (30.5 cm)

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